ActLight’s Dynamic PhotoDetector (DPD) technology introduces a revolutionary approach to light sensing.
10x Less Power Consumption
Light Sensing with DPD
ActLight’s dynamic light sensing technology adapts seamlessly to varying light conditions, delivering 10x lower power consumption and unmatched precision.
Supported by a robust IP portfolio developed with top patent firms, our solutions are transforming wearables, IoT, and more, empowering innovation across industries.

High Sensitivity
Traditionally, photodiodes rely on a constant reverse bias voltage to produce a weak photocurrent, necessitating additional amplification. ActLight’s DPD technology tunes sensitivity down to a single photon. By operating at pulsed voltages with a forward bias inducing a large current after a triggering time dependent on light intensity, DPD measures the delay time of the significant forward current, eliminating the need for amplification and ensuring high sensitivity even in low light conditions.

Ultra-Low Power Consumption
Unlike traditional sensors, our DPD operates solely on Vdd, eliminating the need for high voltage and streamlining system design. This low-voltage feature not only enhances energy efficiency but also simplifies integration across various applications. With ActLight’s DPD, unlock unparalleled performance while minimizing power consumption.

Low Cost
ActLight achieves cost-effectiveness through the use of low-cost technologies such as standard CMOS in fabricating the DPD sensor. The Embedded DPD version, designed with integrated Front-End circuits on the same chip, further reduces costs by minimizing silicon area through the absence of complex analog circuits.

Our DPD sensors are engineered for compactness without sacrificing performance. Utilizing advanced design and manufacturing techniques, they offer exceptional sensitivity, accuracy, and dynamic range in a smaller size. From wearables to smartphones, our technology enables superior light sensing capabilities in a compact form factor.
Precision Light Sensing, Swiss Excellence
Discover our research processes by watching our videos
Our Purpose 0:56
See how we research and refine our silicon wafers to fine-tune every detail for optimal sensitivity.
Enhancing Smartwatches 1:34
Learn why our technology meets the high standards of Swiss-made excellence demanded by the watch-tech industry.
ActLight's DPD technology extends its versatility
through two main versions: Embedded and Stand-Alone.

Embedded DPD
Designed with standard CMOS technology, the Embedded DPD features simple Front-End circuits integrated on the same chip. The absence of complex analog circuits reduces silicon area, providing a cost-effective integrated solution without compromising performance.
Stand-Alone DPD
Benefiting from a unique and patented device structure, the Stand-Alone DPD undergoes a straightforward, low-cost manufacturing process. This version offers flexibility in device size, positioning itself as the optimal light sensor solution for markets seeking a high-performance discrete photodiode.